Mini Me, gifting made easy

No, I’m not talking about Dr Evil’s mini me from Austin Powers, but rather the innovative company that has been taking gifting to a new level.

Mini Me is a company that specializes in creating personalized mini figurines that look like you, or someone you want it to replicate.

I first came across them last year and I was very tempted to purchase one. A few weeks ago, I got the opportunity to work with them and see how the whole process works, and boy was I excited.

We all get flustered when we have to get someone a present, taking into account what they like and dislike, do they already have it etc. Mini Me has totally eradicated all those doubts from your mind and now offers you something unique to gift someone.

When you go on their website you can start the process by using their systematic side bar system to easily navigate each part of the figurine.  You can shop the figurine from hair, face, body, legs and accessories. The pieces range from R5-00 to R200-00.

My entire figurine came to a total of R230-00 (including a keyring attachment). I mean to me, that’s pretty affordable for a gift for someone, that is also something that is extremely unique to them.

For my figurine, I decided on a signature look that I always go to, my hair in a middle part, a white top and a medium blue pair of denims. I also added a lipstick in my hand, because if you truly know me, you know that I cannot leave the house without lipstick! Even if I am popping into the garage for bread and milk, looking homeless, I have to quickly pop a cute lipstick color on my lips. I also added a keyring attachment to my figurine so I can attach it to any set of keys!

When my boyfriend opened the parcel when it arrived and sent me pictures, he actually was shocked at how much it looked like me! Mini Me definitely delivered on that promise of personalization.

Mini Me really has elevated gifting and has made it so much easier for us! Thank you Mini Me for making gifting fun and a breeze!

Disclaimer: Even though this was sponsored, all opinions are of my own.

My signature look (Figurine) 
My signature look (Reality) 

How similar do we look???


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